Spirit Mountain Casino, Grand Ronde, Oregon

      Spirit Mountain was sort of a last-minute idea.  We were booked for a couple of nights at Bend/Sunriver but first I had to have my oil changed in Bend.  As we were heading to the beach, I thought that we might just skip the 30-mile drive out of our way and head straight to the beach.  Spirit Mountain Casino was on our way and only 25 miles from Highway 101, so we thought that we would boondock for a couple of days and save some diesel.  As it turned out, we spent more running our generator than we would have, driving to the campground.  Regardless, Jackie managed to win $320 so we were a net positive on the idea.  

    It had been six years since we last visited this casino.  We were quite surprised to see a complete remodel.  It was really done well with several restaurants and directories that told you where to locate different slot machines.  The only bad change is that there is no longer a buffet.  Twenty years ago we'd make the two-hour drive from our home just for the breakfast buffet.  They made the perfect eggs benedict.  They allow three days of free camping in a far parking lot.  After that, I believe that you have to gamble $200 per day.  Overall, it was a great stop.  The parking lot was well patrolled by Casino Security. 

From the casino's website 

Spirit Mountain Casino provides guests with free RV parking without hookups. (Registration required, restrictions apply)  
We are currently building a full hookup RV Park and expect to open for public use by November 2022.

Note: Highway underpass clearance is 15'3"