The Places We've Camped

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Mobile Friendly Version

I started building this website when most people used a computer to surf the Internet, so it is best to view the site on a computer.  Now that so many people simply use their phones, I felt that I needed to update the software that the site ran on so that it would be mobile-friendly.  It really wasn't doable without starting over, so I did.  It was extremely time-consuming.  I worked on it for a year before, I gave up.  I could never get the new site to look as clean as the old one.  On the original site, I put the most important stuff at the top of each column and as you scrolled down the information became less important.  On a mobile site, the viewer sees one column at a time and has to scroll all the way to the bottom before reading the top of the next column.  I couldn't figure out how to make the site look good in both formats and just went back to using the old site and I was way behind in updating it.  After a year's work and effort making the mobile site, I didn't want to lose it, so I made a subdomain of the original and put it there.  Now, I'm back to work on both with links to the subdomain for those who prefer that format.  I'm guessing it will take years before both are complete.  The original version will always be the most current.  CLICK HERE to enter the mobile version.

Campgrounds We've Visited